Not thinking or considering our future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

One pattern I see struggling businesswomen repeat is not thinking or considering their future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

It can be something as simple as "I don't feel like it" or more complex as "I don't know what to do, and she can figure it out."

The main issue is not that she will get it done, especially when it's important; she always has.

The issue is we don't set her up to succeed.

We don't give her opportunities to thrive and give her a chance to win.

We don't think about how she will think and feel as she cleans up after us.

I support my clients as they spend time hooking their future selves up and celebrating in advance as their future selves have a beautiful foundation to build on.

We step into feelings like proud, accomplished, and resolved to guarantee our future selves feel them too, by how we set her up to succeed.

When we feel these emotions now, not only do we guarantee our future selves do, but we also guarantee that is the energy we put into the world as we create our dreams.

If you want to learn how to support your current and future self to create what you want, I am here to support you.

 Schedule a consultation call.