One of the most common thoughts I coach my clients on is, “It is not working.”

One of the most common thoughts I coach my clients on is, “It is not working.”

When my clients think this, they feel disappointed and defeated and want to avoid or blame their business.

This one thought keeps them spinning in disappointment and defeated, and sometimes they will say, “I am stuck” or “I feel stuck”.

The most hardworking and determined clients will start looking for more things to do to solve the problem and identify more things to do, change or adjust, but from the emotions of disappointment and defeat.

When I coach them, my first question will be, “What is “it” and what does “not working mean”?

When we identify these two things, we consider what they can do differently in their actions, thoughts, and feelings.  I am always amazed by their uniqueness and creativity from this simple clarification.

Some clients will look focus on their thoughts and beliefs.

Other clients will look at the value they are already bringing and increase the value in what they are doing.

Other clients will find ways to streamline their marketing and make it easier for people to understand how their service or product can help their people.

In comparison, another client will increase their offers or clean up their niche.

And these are just some of the amazing ways my clients have gone from disappointed and defeated to inspired, determined, and committed in one call with me.

Working smarter is more than doing more things or doing them faster.

Working smarter is asking different questions, thinking different thoughts, feeling different emotions, and sometimes doing different things.

Working smarter includes eliminating the “stuck,” getting things flowing, and creating more results faster.

If you are ready to start working smarter and not harder, I can help you. Schedule a consultation call today.

We work smarter when we understand if we are underearning

We work smarter when we understand if we are underearning and what we need to do to start earning what we want to earn.

According to Webster, underearning is the act of “earning less than might be expected.”

Or, according to Barbara Stanny, “Someone who makes less than she needs or desires despite efforts to do otherwise.”

Some of my hard-working and very intelligent clients are also underearners.

This is because underearning is not caused by underworking, underachieving, or having a low income.

It is caused by our thoughts, feelings, and actions that cause us to underearn.

It is caused by how we may have been raised or programmed, which has us repeating old patterns that create an experience where we earn less than we can or want to earn.

Some of my past underearning patterns were undervaluing my time by undercharging for my services and expertise, undervaluing my skills and wisdom and thus not requesting to be compensated for the value I was providing, not asking for a raise or when I did accept the excuses given, or not following through with opportunities to earn more that were offered to me or came my way.

When we work smarter, we not only earn what we want to earn but also understand how to avoid underearning.

Ready to start earning more money in less time by working smarter? I am here to support you.

Schedule a consultation call today.

Confidence is 100% an inside job.

Confidence is something so many people want.

Confidence feels good and drives so much amazingness.

Unfortunately, most people do not know how to create confidence and are looking to things, people or places outside them to create confidence for them.

Confidence is 100% an inside job.

Of course, things can be created on the outside that will enhance the feeling of confidence, but the original spark of faith comes from inside you by how you think.

I teach my clients how to cultivate confidence inside them and how to become the confident person who goes out into the world and creates more confidence.

Everything we want starts from inside us and cannot be created from outside us.

Confidence is created by a belief that the worst thing that can happen is an emotion, we are willing to feel any emotion, no matter what, we will figure things out and we will have our back through it all.

From these beliefs, we show up feeling confident, which fuels all our actions and inaction.

From these beliefs, we show up confidently no matter what is happening around or if we have the results we are looking for.

When we seek confidence from outside us, confidence depends on the results and falters based on the results.

True confidence keeps us going before and especially after the results are there.

True confidence has you falling and getting back up and going back to action because you have your own back.

True confidence has you trusting yourself even if you did not show up as powerful as you could have, and is what has you creating awareness and deciding how to show up differently next time.

True confidence is a gift you get to give yourself.

Confidence is how we get twice as much done in half the time and achieve our biggest dreams.

Ready to learn how to create confidence anytime you need it? Schedule a consultation call.

Not thinking or considering our future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

One pattern I see struggling businesswomen repeat is not thinking or considering their future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

It can be something as simple as "I don't feel like it" or more complex as "I don't know what to do, and she can figure it out."

The main issue is not that she will get it done, especially when it's important; she always has.

The issue is we don't set her up to succeed.

We don't give her opportunities to thrive and give her a chance to win.

We don't think about how she will think and feel as she cleans up after us.

I support my clients as they spend time hooking their future selves up and celebrating in advance as their future selves have a beautiful foundation to build on.

We step into feelings like proud, accomplished, and resolved to guarantee our future selves feel them too, by how we set her up to succeed.

When we feel these emotions now, not only do we guarantee our future selves do, but we also guarantee that is the energy we put into the world as we create our dreams.

If you want to learn how to support your current and future self to create what you want, I am here to support you.

 Schedule a consultation call.